The IB Library is designed to provide a place for students to collect and preserve knowledge, and to enrich and further develop the subject areas in which DBS students are taking their formal education. However, in order for all to fully benefit from these resources, students must use these two places under the Terms and Conditions stated below:
Terms and Conditions for the IB Library:
- Leave ALL bags on the floor at the main entrance when you are using the library.
- Take your bags with you when you exit to library. The librarian will reserve the right to remove any unattended bags.
- Do not bring food, drinks (except water in a clear bottle) or umbrellas.
- Use only the main entrance to go in and out.
- Do not raise your voice to a level that causes a disturbance to others.
- Librarians, teachers or staff members have final say as to what is considered “a disturbance”.
- Laptops and tablet devices can only be used in the permitted area: the section where the Librarians’ desks are. (see ICT Policy)
- Mobile phones and other electronic devices (e.g., MP3 players, ipods, etc…) except calculators are strictly prohibited and must be turned off and kept out of sight. (see ICT Policy)
- Clean up after yourself: push chairs in, return books used, leave no mess.
- Borrow books within the Borrowing Regulations
Any disputes will be handled by the IB Coordinator, Discipline Master or Librarians, whose decisions will be final.
A. Loan Quotas and Loan Periods
Loan Quotas Loan Periods
Teaching Staff 3 Volumes 4 Weeks
Students 4 Volumes 2 Weeks
B. Non-circulation material
Loan Quotas Loan Periods
Teaching Staff 3 Volumes 4 Weeks
Students 4 Volumes 2 Weeks
B. Non-circulation material
- Periodicals, reference books and newspaper are available for use in the library. They may be borrowed at the Teacher Librarian’s discretion.
- Student ID card must be produced when borrowing books. It is not transferable.
- A maximum of two books may be borrowed at one time.
- No library materials shall be removed from the Library until they have been properly recorded at the Circulation Counter.
- A borrower shall, before leaving the Library, ensure that all books issued to him/her on loan are complete and undamaged.
- Books on loan, except those reserved by others, may be renewed for another 2 weeks by returning them to the library for stamping.
- Books on loan may be reserved by filling out a form and submitting the completed form to the counter.
- An overdue notice will be sent to the borrower as soon as possible once the loan period expires. Borrowers should return the books to the Library. If the overdue period exceeds one month, it will be treated as a lost book (refer to IB Library Policy H.2).
- Borrowers should return the books to the Library.
- A fine of 50 cents will be imposed per school day for each book overdue.
- If a book is lost, the borrower will be asked to buy the same book and it should be returned to the Library as soon as possible. If the book is out of print, the borrower will be charged the original cost of the book plus 20% for handing charges.
- Borrowers are responsible for any damage inflicted on the books loaned and will be charged the cost of replacement.
- Non-payment of a fine will automatically result in suspension of borrowing rights, and the withholding of school reports until the fine is paid in full.
- If you have lost your student ID card, you must report to the library immediately.
- Taking books out of the library without using the proper procedures outlined above will be considered as theft. This is a serious offense and may result in immediate suspension from school, a permanent record on your report card, and in more serious cases, legal action.